Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Apprentice 2009 - Final

That was a true marketing task - I got worried right at the start when Sir Alan said the two remaining candidates had to produce a marketing campaign, once again he was referring to a promotion campaign. After that, however, it became obvious that this was a true marketing programme. The candidates had to start off with a target market in mind, consider how to position their box of chocolates for that target. They had to consider the price to sell it at and then produce the promotional campaign (Sir Alan's marketing campaign) considering the place where they would sell the product. Both Yasmina and Kate produced great campaigns, although it certainly seemed that Kate had the better product, but well done to Yasmina on being hired.

So who is going to tell Sir Alan what marketing is all about?

As a side point, throughout five series of The Apprentice, I have not seen any real evidence of Sir Alan considering online marketing techniques (there was a brief shot showing that Yasmina had considered a website on the poster for Cocoa Electric in the final) so maybe I should try and enrol him on the CIM e-Marketing Award so he can learn more!

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