Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Marketing Suite

One thing I see regularly at property development sites is a sign indicating where the "marketing suite" is. I am often tempted to go in and ask them about their marketing strategies and the mix they are using - so far I have resisted as it would be unfair on the sales administrators who work in these suites.

I wonder who they are trying to fool by avoiding the word "sales" in the description. I am pretty sure that all that happens is that the public know it is a sales office, but then add the word marketing as an alternative to sales, leaving the impression that it is still somewhere to be avoided if they want to avoid being pressured. This is another misuse of the word marketing which adds to the negative perceptions of the profession in the eyes of those who aren't fully aware. At the same time it does nothing to overcome the negatives of selling which could be partly resolved through better practices, but largely needs a change in culture for which this is not the right place!!

This is an example of a typical sign seen in Leeds at the development in Granary Wharf.